Kayaking to Little Bay

Little Bay. Photo by J. Oliver
Being on an island definitely has its perks! I mean think about it, I get a chance to go to school where most people pay lots of money to vacation 😱 (trust me, I never take it for granted!).

I've had the opportunity to try out a lot of new things I wouldn't otherwise DARE, and of course it helps having friends who are always so ready to go, and down for whatever. All you need to do is say the word.

One of my absolute favorite adventure since being here was my Sunday kayaking adventure.

Twas the weekend after block exams and we were all drained and glad to be stress and exam free. One of my girlfriends T had suggested getting lunch and going kayak at Crocus Bay, and of course with no hesitation I said yes! Mind you if my feet can't touch the bottom of the water I freak out, and I don't exactly swim but I swear I'm a mermaid (it's the adventure feen and daredevil in me guys 😩😂). So naturally I roped my tribe (D, and Jaz) into it and we made it a family affair. 
T., myself, & D
 We grabbed sandwich makings from the grocery store and made our way to Crocus Bay. Got there, made our sandwiches, ate and got on our way. 

The kayaks were not expensive at all. A single occupancy kayak was $10 and a double occupancy was $15. Since there was 7 of us, one of the guys had to go solo.

It was about a 15 minute or so ride from Crocus Bay to the beautiful little secluded beach of Little Bay, but let me tell you a lot happened in 15 minutes. D and I's kayak got attacked by a flying fish and a bird, we initially kept going in circles for a bit because neither one of us had kayaked before but we got the rhythm down. 

It was so beautiful, serene and great day outside. T and the boys did the off the cliff jump into the water, Jaz and her boyfriend went snorkeling, D went swimming and I just stayed where my feet can touch the floor 😁😂. All in all it was an amazing day, totally worth the exhaustion I felt when I got home because I went straight to bed.

Glad she brought her Go-Pro
