Ready, Set, Med

Welcome everyone to my blog! As the name suggests, yes we will soon be hearing that name over the intercom at a hospital new you.
My name is Rubby, I am a nontraditional Caribbean med student. I am currently an MD 3 (equivalent to MS 2 back in the States). It has taken me awhile to get here but I finally decided to document my journey through med school to help people who are:
*contemplating going to med school
*interested in Caribbean schools
*need inspiration and motivation and so much more.

I will be very candid, and opened about the journey, my process, my success and my failures and everything in between. I will be talking about the beautiful island of Anguilla and all its amazing adventures, life lessons, and life's most precious gifts it's given me thus far.

So glad you joined me on this journey. If you're not already, make sure you follow me on Instagram.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
