Accessorizing in Med school

Being in med school is very demanding (I know, I know some of our blogs and IG makes it look fun and easy).  I always try to at least look decent for school.

My school does not require us to dress business casual because I mean let's face it, we're on a tropical island whose temperatures are constantly in the 80s. Albeit we're not required to but it makes me feel better when I'm decently dressed for school.

I try to stay away from sweats and overly casual outfits (but sometimes laziness gets to me 🙈 )

One thing I always accessorize with are my Alex and Ani charm bracelets. If you follow me on IG, I already posted about my bracelets. My collection started when my beautiful friend Diamond gifted me with the Sacred Dove and Kings Crown for christmas and I fell in love

Fast forward 8 months later, I added 3 more to my collection. I got 2 from The Guardian Collection and 1 from the Zodiac Collection. They come with little cards that tells you what your bracelet means, what it's made of and what Alex and Ani stands for.

To me, Alex and Ani is more than a bracelet, it's the meaning and sentiment they hold. They are a constant reminder of the new beginnings I desperately needed when everything fell apart, the answers I'm always seeking, the peace I need within, the determination sensuality, and loyalty I possess as a Taurus, and the Queen that I am and always will be. 
What cute are these!?!? What is your favorite thing to accessorize with?
